Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am in love with this image from Audrey.

This was taken about 2 years ago, she would have been 8.

We were on a long drive to go visit the grandparents... and when I say long, I mean long... 12 hours. ! She noticed this old car competition on the side of the highway and wanted to stop. (Honestly, I just wanted to keep going....) So, I turned around and came back for her to get some pictures.

This first one is an SOOC image (Straight out of Camera) and the second is a vintage look of the same image.

I'm so proud of her :-)

1 comment:

  1. Both are great with different feelings from each! in the 1st...I love how the blue on the car is just barely visible, but compliments with the sky...and the vintage one..well..that's just really cool and fitting :D
